Experts explain the myths and realities of seasonal affective disorder, and what to do about it

“This season is my nemesis,” a friend told me recently. “I’m hanging on until spring.” The good news, I guess, is that at least now the days are getting longer again. But for those of us who don’t live in particularly warm and bright parts of the world, winter can be a real mood killer. The American Psychiatric Association estimates that about 5 percent of American adults suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a condition marked by “mood swings and depression-like symptoms” and usually (but not exclusively) associated with the winter months.

It seems to make sense that certain times of the year can increase mental health problems. I mean, look outside. sad, is not it? But the concept of seasonal depression is quite modern. The term is attributed to author and psychiatrist Norman Rosenthal and his colleagues at the National Institute of Mental Health, who identified the condition in 1984. He joined DSM a few years later. It is still one of the most enigmatic mental health conditions.

“Little is known about the exact origins of SAD.”

“Little is known about the exact origins of SAD,” says Sarah Rollins, a licensed clinical social worker and physician at Embodied Wellness in Michigan. “Researchers have pointed to a number of possible causes, including your biological clock, vitamin D deficiency, and melatonin.”

As with any mental health disorder, it takes a professional to diagnose SAD, but Rollins notes, “common symptoms of winter depression include sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, such as cravings for foods high in carbohydrates, weight gain, low energy or fatigue, and thoughts negatives”.

As with other real and misunderstood disorders like OCD and ADHD, SAD can be a range of emotions and responses that are sometimes self-diagnosed. It’s certainly not neat cause and effect that cold weather equates to misery. A 29-year survey of suicide rates in the US found the highest occurrences in April, May and June. Not exactly known for being cold months. And as noted in Johns Hopkins Medicine in 2019, “those numbers may be two or three times higher than in December, when suicide rates are lowest.” Similarly, a 2018 review of psychiatric referrals in the UK found that “there were fewer referrals to psychiatric liaison services during the winter months compared to other seasons”.

In contrast, while a recent study by WalletHub listed Hawaii among the happiest states in the US, it also ranked the tropical undecideds of Utah, Maryland, Minnesota and New Jersey. And when the World Happiness Report annually lists its happiest nations, the top spots inevitably go to the countries with some of the longest and darkest winters on earth: Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Maybe winter itself isn’t always the problem here.

“When we think of Norway and Iceland, they also have some socialized medicine, they have social determinants of health that make life a little more ‘difficult’ in our country,” says family physician Dr. LaTasha Perkins. “Knowing that you can go to the doctor any time you need to, knowing that your basic needs are going to be met, that helps your basic sense of well-being to be a little bit higher.”

If you’re in a culture that values ​​stability and strong social relationships, the dark days may not be so dire.

Perkins says we need to “think about the socialization and sociology of the places you’re talking about.” Looking at the seemingly happiest regions of the US and the world, it seems clear that if you’re in a culture that prioritizes stability and strong social connections, the dark days might not be so bleak. Maybe they’re not even that dark.

“You don’t have to go to a Hawaiian beach to get the benefits of the sun,” says Perkins. “Sunlight helps with vitamin D. There are also serotonin receptors in your brain that get tripped up based on how much time you’ve spent in the sun.” “Even though it’s winter, the sun is shining and the snow is reflecting the sunlight,” he says. “It’s definitely worth getting up and opening those shades and getting some winter sunlight into your home. Having 20 minutes of indirect sunlight is great for your mood.”

Although seasonal affective disorder is a complex diagnosis, it still affects millions of us. Millions more experience periods when cold and lack of daylight negatively affect our mood and our ability to do the things that give us pleasure. But there are positive actions to help you get through the rough weeks. Emily Pagone, founder and clinical director of Authentic Growth Wellness Group in Illinois, says that since this time of year is often “a little more sedentary” for many of us, she recommends “Shut up and lean into the cold.” these dopamines rise. Being in nature, practicing mindfulness and other mental wellness strategies are very important to do. Dare, even if it’s cold, to keep going.”

Pagon says winter is a good time of year to check in with your doctor and mental health provider to see if there are any changes that could make a difference. “See what their recommendations would be in terms of labs, integration accessories, making sure the greens are coming in, the whole constellation of things that could change because of the winter.”

And on those days when seasonal anger keeps you indoors, Dr. LaTasha Perkins says, “During the winter, I often tell my patients to dance. Put on some music and move your body. Sweat it out, even if it’s just some old-school jams. That really gets your body moving. because music releases endorphins in your body if it’s associated with a happy memory.” Perkins also recommends, “Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while. You can spend hours browsing TikTok, or you can call someone you haven’t called in an hour. It’s a way to connect with people. Through the dark times without quotes.”

Sarah Rollins, on the other hand, suggests turning a happy lamp. “These lamps are specifically designed to mimic natural light,” he says. “They are relatively inexpensive and available in major retail stores. It is recommended to sit in front of a lamp for 30 minutes a day. It is easy to brush your teeth, get ready for work or watch TV in front of a cheerful lamp.”

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When the trees are bare and the sky is thick and dark and seeing your loved ones means, ugh, putting on a coat, it can be very tempting to stay inside until spring. But if you’re feeling blue this season, it’s worth checking out what’s going on. Are you less active? Are you alone? These are the things that can be helped. And whether it’s to ease seasonal depression or make the time until the next equinox more enjoyable, Pagon says it’s worth putting on that coat anyway.

“If someone has feelings, that’s legitimate, especially if it turns around when those clocks change and it gets dark around 4:15. But, he added, “If we’re shorting on something that needs to be considered. all of this would be behavioral activation, moving your body before it gets into the middle of your mind and prevents you from doing the thing you’ve been thinking about for a while, just taking a cold walk. Use the energy you’re capable of, no matter what your body type is, or what your body can or can’t do. Move toward the thing you want to work on,” he says, “and see what happens.”

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about taking care of your mental health this season

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